winter spring summer
Labor Day

Gandhi Jayanti

Teachers' Day
Columbus Day
Mothers' Day


Veterans Day









Who started it?
Native Americans, Pilgrims/settlers

Where did it start?
They were going to travel to present day New York but had to cut their trip short because of the wind.

Why did it happen?
The Pilgrims had a horrible winter and forty-six of the original Pilgrims died. But in the fall their fortune turned and the harvest was good and the remaining colonists decided to have a feast to celebrate.

My Grandma Brokaw's Thanksgiving

She went to her grandma's house. Everybody brought something to eat: turkey, dressing and
cranberries. It was always in Dayton, Ohio. My great-great grandpa Kinzie cooked the meal.
And the children always sat at the children table. Sometimes the kids fought. They drove to their grandma's house in the car.

My grandmother Buchanan's Thanksgiving

She celebrated with her cousins, grandma, uncles, nieces, and sisters. Her mother would make a special kind of dressing. She made it from “scratch.” She had greens, potato salad, a big turkey, cranberry sauce, green beans, rolls, cream corn, and for dessert: three layer cake, sweet potato pies, and egg nog. Also to drink was iced tea. After dinner, they told stories and jokes. The kids played outside. And the old folks took a nap.